Thursday, August 16, 2007

Happy Birthday, Baby Toolkit!

This week Baby Toolkit turned ONE!

We started this blog because strangers always asked about our baby gear, and I was getting tired of writing (and remembering) URLs and product details. So, we created a blog. That way I could give out our blog address rather than having to remember individual details.

I was floored when Parent Hacks first referenced us last November, but eager for more.

Thanks to all our new friends for a year's worth of inspiration, encouragement, and insight. We're so glad you're here.

We'd like to give away a deluxe Diaper Valet set to a valued reader: Diaper Valet, changing pad, and handle (optional, of course). Just leave a comment (and your name tagged with a linking email address or URL) to enter. We'll accept entries through the end of August, 2007 and will randomly draw for a winner. The only people who can't enter are Mo, Jim, me, Ranger, and our immediate family.

Thanks for a great year!


Beth H said...

Happy Birthday!! I love the blog and would also love a diaper valet. SWEET. Babe is getting bigger now, but it would be so nice to go back to a real purse and the diaper valet as a side kick when baby is in tow.
Keep up the good work on the site of course! Love it.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to enter the drawing for the valet! I am a newbie to Baby Toolkit, but I am a BIG, BIG fan already. :0) Keep up the great work....I'm going to keep reading!

Kari said...

I'm being induced on Monday 8/20 with my first...I found this blog in Parents magazine, and so far I love it! Thanks for letting me enter!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Baby Toolkit!

I've been wanting a valet but haven't had the budget yet. That would be AWESOME!

ChristieNY said...

Happy Birthday, Baby Toolkit! Can you believe that BabyGeek has already grown into Ranger? It's been fun reading your reviews, except that I still only have 6 juice-carton blocks made, I need to enlist the relatives! ;)

I'm LOVING your blog, with a 10 month old and 3 year old, your blog is a must read. Please keep on doin' whatcha doin!

ChristieNY at AOL dot COM ;)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Baby Toolkit! We at Goodyblog you and wish you many more! Yay!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Baby Toolkit! You deserve all the accolades you get for your excellent tips and great writing!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I will be forever indebted to you for the post about locking your baby in the car....

Anonymous said...

Happy happy day to two of the nicest folks populating the blogosphere. Here's to another great year. (No need to enter me in the drawing.)

JJ said...

Happy Birthday!
Thanks for a year of helpful insights.

Rick said...

Happy Birthday, BT! Here's to many more years in the blogosphere!

P.Leon said...

Feliz Cumpleanos!!! happy birthday in Spanish!! pick me for a Latin inspired FIESTA!!!

anavarre1331 said...

Never heard of you guys until goodyblog sent me over. Was checking out the site, though, and it seems awesome. You got yourselves a new fan! Oh, and this would be a great welcome to my second baby who i am anxiously awaiting. I'm at 4cm and 80% effaced! Come out already! LOL

Opening Pandora said...

Nifty giveaway! Happy B-day Baby Toolkit!

YankeeTexan said...

Happy Bday!! I'd love to win that gorgeous gorgeous diaper valet!

Andrea said...

Happy birthday! That Baby Toolkit sounds *awesome*!

emerzim said...

The handle is pure genius. Winning one would make my week. Happy Birthday, Baby Toolkit!

suealex said...

I found you through Goodyblog, and what a find!

tracey clark said...

The first bday is always the most special. Congrats and may all of your toolkit wishes come true.

The daiper valet is soooo cool! Too kind to give a gift on your bday!

Anonymous said...

Happy B-Day! and hooray for diaper valet!

Jennette Fulda said...

Happy Birthday! You don't have to enter me in the contest because I have no idea what I'd do with a valet, diaper or otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Birthdaaaay, may all your dreams come trueeeee, happy hapyy birthday, happy birthday toooo yoouuuu!! For parents by parents, what can be better than that? No back to your site!
Joy Gallagher

lace said...

I have really enjoyed your blog. Happy Birthday!

Julia said...

I'm in for the drawing... Thanks for all your great ideas and insights!
Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Thank you for offering such a great prize!!

indywriter said...

You already know that I love your blog. But this anniversary business makes me look on the ball for the mild gushing I did in my last blog entry. I love your site and your valet. And since I already won one in another contest, I guess I'll let the others have a chance :). Great job and keep up the good work.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday!!! Love your blog!!! Would love one of these too!

Joanne said...

Happy Birthday! Why didn't I find you with my first baby? If I win, I'll be all set for baby #2. Thanks!

archiesgirl said...

Happy Birthday! Thanks for all the great posts.

I would love to be entered in the contest for the diaper valet!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Love the blog!

biomyouthdirector said...

Exciting time call for a celebration.
But, of course, you need to bring some diapers. I'd love this in m backpack!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday! love the blog--love the valet and of course, my family loves you guys!

Mary said...

Happy Birthday! Being One is fun!!

Emilyah said...

Happy Birthday Baby Toolkit! The diaper valet is too cute! Your blog is amazing, I'm happy that I found you while my first child is only 3 months old! I'll be back daily and will certainly share you with my family and friends!

Amy said...

Happy B-day to you! (& maybe to me too?)

Chelsea said...

congrats on the birthday! Very cute gear - turned on by another blog and SO excited to have discovered you!

J said...

Diapers for everyone!

melonkelli said...

Happy Birthday! Love the blog.

Amie said...

Happy Birthday to your great blog. Keep up the good work!

Scot said...

Just recently found your blog, but I've really enjoyed it so far. Thanks for the good reads!

Thyen Party of Four said...

Happy Birthday to you .... Happy Birthday to you .... Happy Birthday Baby Toolkit!!!! Happy Birthday to you!!!!!!

Jennyology said...

Congratulations - love your blog. As an expectant first time mom, I'd love to win this diaper valet!

Richelle said...

Happy Birthday! Cool giveaway!

kristine said...

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I absolutely **LOVE LOVE LOVE* the diaper valet!! I woul dlove the opportunity to win one as well!!!

Saph said...

Great blog!! Please count me in for the drawing!

Nicole said...

Wow how cool is that. Love the blog keeps me informed about products out there.

Diatribal said...

Wow! Count me in. I love your site...tons of info!

Anonymous said...

Baby Toolkit is creative to see
I think we would all agree
From beds, to journaling, to pets and keys
Thank you for all of these!

Happy Birthday from Aggieland

Charlotte Breen said...

I haven't seen these in Ireland yet. I'll circulate the site to parents I know. I'm sure your market can only expand. Congratulations on a useful and pretty product!

lisa said...

feliz cumpleanos! great giveaway!

Kristin said...

Oh, to lose the gigantic diaper bag!!

Great site.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you! My 8-month old daughter can be a handful and I have found some really helpful advice on your blog.

hmferrero said...

thanks for all the info. i love reading your blog!

kgilligan said...

This is super cute.I would love to win.

Anonymous said...

Oh I would love to win this diaper valet!! I have two friends expecting and this would make a great gift for one of them.

Sarah H. said...

I am also new to this blog. Looks great so far! PARENTS magazine sent me this way and I'm glad they did. Happy Birthday, Toolkit!

Sarah H.

JewelsHud said...

Happy Birthday . . . what a great giveaway! I'd love such a great gift!!

JennyB said...

I've just found your product and it's super cool! Baby #1 is still in diapers. How cool would I be carrying a groovy valet instead of jamming diapers & wipes into my purse? ;)
Happy Birthday!!

Lara said...

Happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

I don't know how to link my email address, so here it is... sdarst at usermail dot com

Anonymous said...

Happy 1 year anniversary!
mom2maria at yahoo

Me said...

This looks like a great product.

I love reading your recommendations and reviews.

cnash said...

I just discovered this blog, and I love it! Happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday - love the blog and am anxiously awaiting the arrival of Baby #3. Hope to win the diaper valet!

jglitter said...

Best wishes for another wonderful year! Thanks for giving a gift on your birthday, very generous!

kelli said...

Love this site.

Amber said...

Happy 1st birthday! It seams to me that there will not be enough items to go around... because you have sooo many fans across the forums I visit! Guess its my good luck to have visited during a gift giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I would love to give this to my nephew who is due later this year. Thanks for the entry.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Baby ToolKit! I definitely want to see pics of the traditional "smash cake" (hee hee). Thanks for all of the great insights--it's amazing how much I forgot between babies #1 and 2. Keep up the fabulous postings!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Please enter me in the drawing! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Baby Toolkit!
Keep all the great posts coming.

Melinda said...

Happy Birthday! I'd love to win a Baby Toolkit. Yea and Thanks!

Jeremiah McNichols said...

HBBTK! Don't enter us, we already have one - and love it! Z is three but we still use it as an art/spare clothes kit!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! That bag is adorable!

my website is

Christine said...

This looks great! Please enter me!

I'll spread the word....

Anonymous said...

Very excited to enter the drawing! Even more excited to start blogging! What a great site! Thanks for the info. Even more thanks to goodyblog for the link.

Rockin' Mama said...

Happy Birthday and thanks for hosting a great giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I soo want this. Happy Birthday

I'm not a blogger so here's my email address:

Anonymous said...

Ohhh, I would really love this!!!
mtr4560 (at) zoominternet (dot) net

CrystalGB said...

Happy Birthday. Please include me in the drawing.

Aimee said...

I thought I might have entered already, but I don't see it. If I did, then please disregard!

Happy Birthday!!

debra said...

Happy 1st Birthday and wishes for Many, Many More!! It's a milestone, and thanks for sharing so many helpful hints in the last 12 months.

Andrea said...

This sounds great!! Thanks for the fun giveaway!! And Happy b-day too! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! What a great idea for a blog.

Superdumb Supervillain said...

happy birthday! i've been wanting to try a diaper valet, too- please sign me up to win one!

Shama-Lama Mama said...

Just heard of your product here for the first time! Its awesome! I would love to be entered!
Happy Birthday!

Michael Phillips said...

Wow, a year already? Congratulations. Hope you and yours are doing well.

Lilia Efimova said...

One more happy birthday! I'm quietly reading all your reviews - and already got a couple of things as a result...
And - although I have one diaper valet, I'm thinking of another one, just to make sure that I don't always have to wear red :)

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

Oh, what a wonderful way to celebrate a bloggy birthday!


Linsey Knerl said...

happy birthday! THanks for the contest!

bethany said...

Happy Birthday! this is a great giveaway! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

ooh I'd love to win....I need to win....

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!! The diaper valet...finally a way to get rid of the 50 lb. diaper bag! YEAH!!!

Ellen said...

happy birthday!! very neat idea :)

Kristine said...

I love your blog! Thanks for all the work you put into it!!

Doreen said...

Love your blog! Wahoooo, I would LOVE to be entered for this contest! All excited here....LOL

Rashmi said...

Just beautiful! Thanks.

P.Leon said...

I Wish I wish I win this so I can stop using my own purse as a diaper bag!!!!

Melissa said...

Happy birthday, dear Baby Toolkit! I love this site so much.

erika~ the inspired mama said...

Happy Birthday! We would love to win the Diaper Valet! :) Thanks!!

Sarah @ Ordinary Days said...

Oh please please please pick me! I have two in diapers, hopefully only one soon. But I could so use this!

Qtpies7 said...

Happy birthday, baby toolkit!
That looks like a very sweet diaper bag!

Lisa said...

Happy Birthday! I'm a big fan of your blog.

Melissa Angert {All Things Chic} said...

happy birthday!

love it!

Joann said...

So I found your blog by googling car seats cta since I was curious whether the buses require use of them. Anyways, glad I found you! I'm adding you to my daily reads. Happy 1 year by the way. My daughter turned one this year and so I commend such a milestone. =)

houseofeling said...

this is a wonderful giveaway that I would treasure winning! Happy Birthay baby tool kit! What a great giveaway....

Ami Scott said...

Happy Birthday! I found this blog quite by accident today, and absolutely fell in love. You have so much invaluable info for parents and I wish I'd found you sooner!

Brooke said...

What a wonderful bag, I'd love to own one! My diaper bag has gotten pretty scruffy and it would be wonderful to replace it with this amazing bag!

Donna said...

Thanks for the chance to win such a cool prize!

jenna said...

So cute! I LOVE bags. Err... I mean, for my baby, of course. :) Happy Birthday! How much fun to turn 1!

Unknown said...

what a cute item! hoping to win! glad i was intorduced to your site!

Anonymous said... the design of this bag. This would work much better than using my little purse with everything stuffed in one compartment!...I just may have to buy one :-)

Loved the review on the sidekick...I was really tempted to buy one...maybe when baby no. 2 comes along they'll have upgraded it.

Caulyne said...

Would love to enter the drawing. The valet looks simply ingenious!! ;)

Stacey said...

Awesome blog! Count me in.

Amy said...

Happy birthday to an awesome blog!

Chrissy said...

Awesome valet and Happy Birthday.

Sarah said...

Happy Birthday. I just found your fun!

adrienne said...

The contest entries period has now closed. Thanks to all who entered!