Over the years, Jim and I have taken lessons for everything from sewing to stained glass to guitar to greeting card writing.
A few weeks ago a small roadside sign caught my eye. A new course? I called Jim, he looked up the website, and before I knew it, he had signed us up for square dance lessons.
Those who know me would suspect this to be something I resist (like romantic comedies) or something undertaken solely for snark value (like watching regional beauty pageants on television). But peeling back the layers of this onion, one can find a wide-eyed girl who secretly adored every moment of square dancing in 5th grade gym class.
The $5 weekly fee (per couple) for a 2 hour class appeals to my inner (and outer) cheapskate.
On the way to our first class, we talked about the sheer pleasure of some colorful new prepositions in our lives. "In square dance class..."
Yep. Colorful lives are drawn from a wide array of colorful prepositional phrases and experiences.
What's new in your lexicon?
We live here in Evv, too, and I've been eying that sign on our corner. 5 bucks is so reasonable! I've always wanted to square dance. I may have to sweet talk my husband into going to check it out!
I must thank you on behalf of your children. More than once I have been able to use my parents' dance class history as an icebreaker. Not many folks can brag that their folks took Disco lessons at the Y. But I can. ;)
Did you ever take it as a class at BSU with Yaakov Eden?
Yes, Professor Eden was our beleaguered dance instructor and, to his credit, never lost patience with us.
"...we've been able to endlessly repeat beginner's classes without arousing any suspicion of prior experience."
You make me laugh. You two rock!
how fun! i don't think i could talk justin into that.
When i was little, my girl scout troop used to go square dancing all the time. I remember it as being super fun. Also, you and Jim are looking smokin' hot in that picture. Tres chic.
Enjoy it! I loved going to watch my husband's parents at their square dances. And when they would do a round dance, my husband would always go dance with his momma. Such a beautiful memory as his mom passed away suddenly last summer.
You are looking so Valentiney in your college-years photo, Adri! You both are! Hooray for dance!!!
As for this graceless lady, I am going to go dance over to my crockpot & get dinner going before it's wayyy late!
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