Ranger recently started to "read along" with us at storytime, and though we know it's not actual reading, it's still immensely charming to hear him chime in during favorite books.
Debra Fraisier's
On the Day You Were Born: Ranger first saw this book as a
Notes Alive! story concert by the Minnesota Orchestra. It's one of his very favorite books and music videos. He loves the vibrant papercut pictures and lyrical rhythms. I love hearing him say phrases like "the marvelous news migrated worldwide."

Christine Loomis' and Ora Eitan's
Cowboy Bunnies: (aka "Cowbunnies" to Ranger) This nightly request begins "Cowboy bunnies/ Wake up early/ Ride their ponies/ Hurly burly" This is a great bed time story. It poetically takes the bunnies through their day of jumping gullies and mending fences to an evening hoedown. Later "Cowboy bunnies/ In pajamas/ Hug and kiss/ Their cowboy mamas." It's a nice winding down story for parent and child alike.

Scott Beck's
Little House, Little Town: This simple book goes through a baby's leisurely day with his parents. The sparse text is in perfect measure while the ample illustrations tell an ongoing story of the life a town itself. We like this book because, like a stroll through a community, you can choose the pace of each reading and sometimes linger to smell the flowers and pet the dogs. We also like Beck's
A Mud Pie for Mother which offers similar opportunities to immerse yourself in the pictures.
We found many of these books and authors through our awesome public library and
Dolly Parton's incredible non-profit Imagination Library (sponsored locally by a hospital foundation).
What have you been reading and rereading lately?
Sister Goldenhair loves "Goodnight Moon" (especially the old lady whispering "Hush!"), "Llama, Llama Red Pajama" (which tells the story of a little llama's struggles to go to bed), and "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?"
She has memorized Brown Bear and will now "read" it to me. She'll even correct me if I say the wrong color or animal. She's a hoot.
Looking ahead, have you ever read any of Lauren Child's books? She is a British author and creator of the Charlie and Lola cartoon on Disney. She has several different series of books. Charlie and Lola can suit younger kids. Her Clarice Bean books are god for kids a bit older, and her "Beware of the Storybook Wolves" and "Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad Book?" are entertaining for parents as well. Miss B still enjoys me reading those to her (especially when I "do" all the voices).
Some of my 1 year old daughter's favourite books are: Maurice Sendak's "In The Night Kitchen", "Dr. Seuss's ABC" and "Hop on Pop", and "Wee Little Chick". Oh, and I can't forget "Don't Let The Pigeon Ride The Bus!"
We love SkippyJon Jones over here. One of my favorite books is On the Day That You Were Born and I STILL cannot read it aloud without choking up. I stopped reading it for now because my daughter always told me not to be sad. LOL
I like your recommendation. A new book that my kid loves is Change is Strange (changeisstrange.com) personalized books for kids. We're having a baby helped my oldest child feel great about being a new big brother...
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